Home Aircon Service

Home Aircon Service Provider

The primary part of servicing consists of inspection. It’s vital to inspect the dents, vents and air passages to ensure that everything is functioning properly. Inspection is a preventive measure and will avoid giving you some unexpected and unpleasant surprises in the form of breakdowns. Regular servicing is also essential for the longer life of an air conditioner. Maintenance and servicing basically includes the replacement of damaged parts and the clearing of blocked air passages.


Scopes of servicing

  1. The removing and cleaning of air filter, front panel, fan coil unit and cover.
  2. Check Drainage system.
  3. Checking of the thermostats and controls.
  4. Tests and system of commission.

Additional Services

  1. Chemical washing and flushing of the drainage system and the fan coil unit.
  2. To vacuum the drainage system.


  1. Saves cost of energy.
  2. Prevents aircon breakdown.
  3. Improves efficiency.
  4. Has anti-bacterial effect.
  5. Prolongs the aircon unit lifespan.
  6. Prevents water leakage.
  7. Circulates the air better
  8. Saves the cost of maintenance.

Other Home Aircon Services?

New Aircon Installations: We install air conditioners in residential homes and commercial spaces too. Our services are efficient and personalized, to accommodate each customer’s needs as every space is unique in its own way and takes an in-depth understanding and knowledge on the technician’s part to provide the very best of services and that is exactly what our company offers.

Aircon repair: Our skilled and very able technicians are capable of repairing any and all air conditioning systems. Our staff can repair vents, dents air conditioners that have completely broken down and air passages too. Each job is done in a customized manner and we believe in giving the best results to each customer. We also do emergency repairs because we believe that unexpected breakdowns can happen at any time-day or night, which is why our staff is available at your service 24/7.

Digital thermostat experts: The most sensitive thing in an air conditioner is its digital thermostat that can get damaged very easily. Our technicians and staff know well, how to check the HVAC units and repair them and to restore them back to working order. In addition to repairing stuff, out technicians also perform energy saving changes.

Freon replacement: Clogged systems can provide many a restless days and nights to you in your homes and offices because of which we also carry out Freon replacements and servicing for your added comfort. Our able technicians can instantly determine after an inspection when the replacement needs to take place and they can perform the necessary task quite efficiently. Moreover, we do a thorough examination of your gas system too to ensure that everything is as it should be.

Aircon maintenance: When an air conditioner is serviced regularly, it will be happier and will give a better performance and save more energy. Our Air conditioning contract provides all this and much more to give you the best cooling experience and to bring fresher and cooler air for your family.

In short, it will be infinitely better if you leave the servicing job in the able hands of a professional and leave the checking and troubleshooting in our company’s skilled hands. We are one of best Home Aircon Service provider in Singapore!

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