Aircon Servicing Woodlands

Aircon Servicing Woodlands

Aircon Servicing Woodlands Singapore

A Toshiba air con system 2 customer in Woodlands had one of his aircon leaking and he requested to have both of his fancoils serviced at the same time. Did he made the right decision to take care of his air conditioners? Apparently, most people will fix only their aircon problem and moved on. However, Mr. Ong took initiative to have the other fancoil cleaned all together. This aircon servicing could ensure two things. Firstly, it will help to prevent the other fancoil from leaking since one of them already leaked. Secondly, once both fancoil units are cleaned, they should be able to provide cooler air.

What if one of the air conditioner is used all the time while the other fancoil was left untouched, should the seldom used fancoil be serviced together? If a fancoil was untouched for some time, will dirt and debris from environment settled on it? Definitely, dirt and debris settle on anything and everything, so is the unused fancoil unit. To prevent dirt and debris from piling, the air conditioner can be wrapped up with shrink wrap. Yet, most air con manufacturers will always recommend to have those unused fancoil function checked once in a while. This is to prevent any air conditioner parts got ceased; especially the rotating parts.

For every aircon servicing, cleaning is the basic. Simply check the evaporator coil can identify what types of aircon cleaning we should offer. Most component check for air conditioner can be carry out during chemical overhaul process to identify any potential failure. Aircon parts can be inspected and worn out parts can be replaced. The air con customer will have to decide whether to take our advice or not. Please workout a schedule with our technician to have your air conditioner check.

Information provided by Mr. Ong, Woodlands Singapore
