Air Con Removal Service

Air Con Removal Service

Air Con Removal Service done in Singapore HDB Flat


Covering up the aircon hole for one of the air con removal job we did in Woodlands Singapore. You can see from the pictures that it was nicely done with a new piece of aircon board. Good sealing work is required after the air conditioner’s outdoor unit has been removed. It will prevent rain water from seeping into the HDB unit, which is exceptionally crucial. We want to ensure that all the ends of the aircon hole are covered. The wall, where there used to be mounting the air-con bracket, will look as good as new.

On top of that, all the items used by the air conditioning system will be dismantled and disposed properly. They are the aircon fan coil units, mounting brackets, aircon tubing, drainage piping, power cables and trunkings. Before that, we have cut-off the power supply, released the aircon gas into the atmosphere and also drained out the water trapping in the aircon system. It will be quite messy during this process as the dust will be flying around. We urged that no children or aged person should be around. After those aircon removals, we are left with holes on the wall. Cement plaster will be used to patch up those holes.

Disposal of air conditioner’s used main components cannot be done under the HDB flat. The person will be fine by the Singapore Government if anyone got caught not doing the proper disposal. We have to make a trip to the scrap yard in order to get them disposed. The above explained all the charges included during an air con removal service. We do not include paint touch up as every house comes in different colours. There are no ways for us to keep some much paint in our van. There will be additional charges if complications involved, like box-up, window replacement and etc.

If you are interested in removing your used broken air conditioning system, please do contact us to get a quotation now.


Information provided by Jacq, Aircon Doctor Singapore
